
Smart Commodities is based in Montevideo, Uruguay

The official guide Uruguay XXI (http://www.uruguayxxi.gub.uy) highlights some of the advantages of this location for business purposes:

Gateway to the Paraná-Paraguay-Uruguay waterway...

...with deep harbors operating under a Free Port system, which are unique in the South Atlantic coastline.

The country ranks second in South America in infrastructure development

(The Global Competitiveness Report-WEF, 2014-2015), with a brand new international airport (2015)

First place in the information and communication technologies (ICT’s) development index

According to the Latinamerican Communications Union (2015)

The fastest Internet download bandwidth in Latin America

With a speed of 24,64 Mbps (Net Index, November 2014)

A road network with the highest density in Latin America

Ranking third in quality in South America (same report)

The largest cellular telephone density

with 136 lines per 100 inhabitants, and the highest rate of Internet users in Latin America (58%)